Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Eat This For Breakfast Every Morning and Watch How The Fat From Your Body Disappears!

We are always advised not to skip our breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day.

Namely, the food that we eat in the morning provides the energy we need for the day, and activates our metabolism.

So, especially if you are on a weight loss program, you should never avoid this meal, in order to avoid unhealthy cravings.

Moreover, a recent study published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism found that oatmeal is the best breakfast ever! This study was done on 36 men and women, divided into 3 groups.

All groups consumed foods limited to 350 calories. The first group ate oatmeal for breakfast, the second consumed cornflakes and the third only drank water for breakfast. Their task was to note the level of their satiety in the next three hours.

Moreover, their blood sugar and insulin levels were constantly checked. All participants ate the same lunch.

Researchers found that the first group had fewest cravings through the morning and afternoon, and ate 31% fewer calories for lunch. Therefore, this proved oatmeal breakfast to be the most efficient in people with excess weight since they consumed 50% fewer calories for lunch.

The subjects of the other two groups were already hungry three hours after they had breakfast.

Namely, the oatmeal remains stays in the stomach longer, while cornflakes quickly raise blood glucose levels and it automatically causes a sudden drop soon after.

Numerous other studies have also found that oatmeal is the best and most advantageous breakfast since it stimulates weight loss and reduces the intake of calories by 31-50%. What’s more, the effects that the oatmeal provides are long-lasting.

Apart from being extremely healthy, oats are also delicious, and can enter all kinds of dishes, smoothies, stews, salads and desserts.

These are some of the most important benefits of the consumption of oats:

Provides a feeling of satiety

Oatmeal is the best food for any weight loss regimen, as it reduces cravings, by providing a feeling of satiety.

Moreover, it also improves digestion.

It Reduces Blood Pressure

Oats are extremely effective for the regulation of the blood pressure, as they contain a vegetable protein, Lignan, which, if consumed regularly, is able to reduce blood pressure by 30%.

It Lowers Cholesterol

Oats are rich in healthy fiber which binds to fat and lowers LDL or bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

Furthermore, they also oatmeal inhibit cardiovascular diseases and lower the risk of heart failure and stroke since they promote the health of your heart and blood vessels.

Prevents Cancer

The British Medical Journal published a study which discovered that oats can lower the risk of prostate, breast,

ovarian and colon cancers.

Therefore, if you regularly consume oats for breakfast, you will lose excess weight easily and very fast! Yet, note that in order to accelerate the process of weight loss and to obtain even better results, you should regularly do some cardio exercises, or at least 2-3 times a week.

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