Saturday, August 12, 2017

Here Is How To Lose Belly Fat, Get Rid Of Muffin Top & Tone Your Body Fast With These Incredible Yoga Poses!

In this article we are going to offer you the best yoga poses which will help you to beat belly fat very fast.

Mill Churning Pose/ ChakkiChalanasana

This is very good yoga pose that originates from communities of India. It’s reducing the belly fat and after pregnancy fat.

-Sit down with the legs stretched out and spread apart as possible.

-Stretch the arms out in front of the chest and interlock the fingers.

-Rotate the hands in clockwise direction forming huge circles. Don’t bend the knees or lift the legs.

-Breathe out as you are moving forward and right, and breathe in as you are moving backwards and left.

-Make ten rounds in certain direction then repeat the method in opposite direction.

-Finish by sitting restfully and relax till your breathing gets normal.

Bow Pose/Dhanurasana

The Bow Pose could help you lose the belly fat and your extra weight. It’s strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, chest, back, ankles and groin.

Also, it’s improving digestion, treating gastrointestinal issues, promoting blood circulation and improving the function of the liver, small and large intestine and pancreas. Also, it’s acting as great reliever of stress.

-Lie down on the stomach, put the chin on floor and keep the legs stretched out.

-Exhale, raise the legs, bend the knees toward the buttocks and hold the ankles with the hands.

-Inhale, rise up slowly, lift the chest off the ground and look straight.

-Stay into this particular position for about 20 seconds and hold the breath. The weight of the body should be on the abdomen.

-Exhale smoothly and return to the main position.

-Do this 8 – 10 times.

-In the end, relax and continue taking long and deep breaths for 1 minute.

Boat Pose/Naukasana

The Boat Pose is full workout for the body. It’s helping to fight stubborn abdominal fat, tones the legs, arms and abs, strengthening the back, abdominal muscles and thigh.

Also, it’s regulating the function of the pancreas, kidney, lungs and liver, thyroid and improves the circulation of the blood and regulates the blood sugar levels.

-Sit with the knees bent, feet on the ground, hands beside the hips and fingers pointing toward the feet.

-While inhaling, press the palms, lengthen the spine and pull yourself back staying on the hips.

-Take a deep breath, lift the feet on the ground, bring the shins level with the ground.

-Extend the arms to front parallel to the ground and hold that position for a while.

-Straighten the legs, so your body to make V shape and stay in this position for 2 – 5 breaths.

-While exhaling, bend the knees and hug them real tight.

-While inhaling, elongate the spine and touch the forehead to the knees.

-Take a couple of deep breaths.

-While inhaling, raise the head, then exhale and cross the legs.

-Do these steps 3 – 5 times.

Cobra Pose/Bhujangasana

This pose is part of sequence of yoga posture in Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar, and it’s perfect for strengthening the abdominal muscles and reduction of the belly fat.

Also, it’s strengthening the back and the whole upper body and adding flexibility to the spine. It’s relieving stress and fatigue and improving blood circulation through the body.

-Lie down on the stomach with the legs prolonged.

-Put the palms under the shoulders with the fingertips directing forward.

-Keep the elbows close to the torso, chin on the ground and the toes touching the ground.

-Then, inhale and raise the chest up, bend backwards as possible without using the arm strength.

-Hold the position for 15-30 seconds depends on the comfort level.

-Exhale and lay flat, relax and take deep breath.

-Inhale, then press on the palms and raise the body upwards to comfortable level.

-Do this at least five times, by taking pause for 15 seconds after every round.

-Finish with Child’s Pose and relax for a while before you stand up.

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