Sunday, August 13, 2017

Incredible Anti Aging Exercises – Look and Feel Younger !

The main issue of the 21 century is how to get out of the crisis and to find a way to look youthful and to slow down the aging. Losing power, slowly regeneration if your skin, weaken muscles,  disturbed immune system are just a several things that we face when getting older.

Our body can be compared with the battery that is wasting slowly where the light becomes weaker until it turned out forever. We can’t stop the spending and we can’t find a new outlet for charging.

We all know that walking is good for our health, but it’s even more interesting the fact that it can rejuvenate you for 9 years. Do not wonder.  Scientists have been struggling to discover the magic formula for prolonging life and younger looking. Some studies have shown that the answer to this question is in the telomeres (the physical ends of chromosomes that shorten with every cell division and are indicators of aging of the body).

Excessive shortening of telomeres leads to aging and its reduction is caused by various factors such as heredity, social environment, lifestyle, where the main are nutrition, movement and stability of mental health. We can’t impact on the genetics, but we can definitely change our lifestyle.

There are also studies that show how and what kind of physical exercise can affect the slowing of the telomeres. Body exercises that lead to intense warming up of the body which do at least 3 hours every week, had a greater impact on the length of telomeres and the younger looking instead of watching TV.

A group of young people were tested, where they stayed at home for three weeks without any physical activity. Only three weeks of physical inactivity led to major physiological changes such as increased blood pressure, smaller heart capacity, more fat leaks lead to faster aging. There is a solution, discipline yourself, strong desire and motivation.


Exercises with greater intensity: brisk walking, biking, jogging, dance, climbing stairs are just some of the exercises with greater intensity. You’ll achieve better result if you do it every day for 30 minutes rather than once or twice a week for 2 hours.

Strength exercises: Muscles are decreasing when we are getting older. Lifting weights and other exercises with external load are important to keep healthy and vital body.

Energy Exercises: Asian tradition tells the relations between energy, exercise and aging. The best anti aging exercises are Tai Chi and Qigong. These exercises include slow movements and complete breathing synergy. In these exercises the proper breathing is important for the oxidation of the body and prevents from losing kolagen and prematurely aging.

Yoga Exercises: You all know almost everything about Yoga so we don’t need to explain the positive effects, breathing techniques and relaxation to keep the mental health.

It is time to consider whether you really want to look younger or not !

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